Wednesday 4 January 2012

Saffy's Fruity Flapjacks

The Perfect Recipe

It's very important you cater recipes to your personal taste which is why I decided to blend many of the flapjack recipes I found online together and adapt them to make them more healthier.  I had to put a Saffy twist on them :)  I basically use less sugar and honey than the average flapjack but I use more fruit!


These are rough guidelines for a batch! Can't give you all my secrets ;)

Almond Flakes, Bananas (blended), Saltanas, Cherries.
7 oz Butter, 5oz Sugar, 7oz Honey, 14 oz Oats.


1. Put the butter, sugar and honey into a saucepan.
2. Keep Stirring until butter has melted and the sugar has dissolved.
3. Turn off the stove.
4. Add in the oats and mix in the mixture.
5. Add the fruit (cater to your fruitylicious needs)
6. Grease the baking tray.
7. Smooth the surface with the back of a spoon or use a knife.
8. Bake in the oven at Gas 4 15-20mins
9. When done cut into squares and congratulate yourself for adapting a recipe which doesn't need to be so packed full of sugar.

It's The Birdspeed Way ;)

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