Friday, 1 June 2012

Hot and Sweet Popcorn

Freeman Theatre Rage

When I go to the cinema sometimes I am left with no choice but to buy the cinema food.  When this happens I feel like Grandad Freeman from the TV Show The Boondocks who lets out his frustration over the high priced snacks and the over priced tickets. At the cinema the sweet popcorn is never sweet enough, never hot enough and sometimes you are never given enough for your money.   During a cosy film night in I decided I would make my own popcorn. My hot and sweet popcorn is the best popcorn I have ever tasted.  I had never made popcorn before but I  decided to buy some popping corn and try out a wicked hot and spicy flavour combination.  I was inspired by an advertisement for gourmet popcorn, but after reading the price I challenged myself to make cheaper, tastier popcorn then the flavourless brand you buy at the cinema.  It was a hit!  It cost less than a fiver to make and I have enough popping corn  for at least 6 more film nights.  That's what I call epic :)


Roughly 100g popping corn, 1tbsp oil, 2tbsps butter,  1tbsp sugar, 2tsps ground cinnamon, 1tsp chili powder.


1. Heat the oil in a pan and when it is hot add the popping corn seeds.
2. Try and keep the heat constant and do not put the heat on too high. Make sure there is a lid over the pan.
3.  Remove the popcorn when the popping has stopped and put into a large bowl.
4. Melt the butter in a bowl and mix in the sugar, then add the cinnamon and chili powder.
5. When this has been mixed, pour over the popcorn slowly and a little at a time.
6. After each pour stir the popcorn so it is covered in the sauce.
7. Eat it sticky and hot. Make sure you pour over the popcorn when the popcorn is still hot so the mix sticks to the popcorn and gives it the perfect texture.

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