The Town Chef
My portions usually tend to be for more than one person, but that is not a bad thing. It is good to have leftovers because it saves you time and money. Also, it is good practise for when you feel like cooking for friends and family. One must also be prepared for unexpected visits, which happens often to me, especially amongst West Indian and African communities. So it is good practise to make extra food. When people come to my house I never want them to leave hungry or thirsty. Good hospitality goes a long way. :)

This recipe was adapted from 'Morisson's Magazine' (Result Customer Communications, 2012).
1tbsp olive oil, 1 onion (peeled and chopped), 2 garlic cloves, 1 1/2 courgettes (chopped), 2 spring onions (chopped), 2tsp dill, 2tsps marjoram, 2tsps oregano, 2tsps diluted fiery tomato ketchup, 2 x 121g cans of tuna in spring water, 2 x 400g cans chopped tomatoes, 1tbsp tomato puree, 2tbsps green pesto, 40g low fat sunflower spread, 40g plain flour (sifted), 450ml semi skimmed milk, 200g reduced fat soft cheese, 15 lasagne sheets, 50g parmesan cheese (grated).
My portions usually tend to be for more than one person, but that is not a bad thing. It is good to have leftovers because it saves you time and money. Also, it is good practise for when you feel like cooking for friends and family. One must also be prepared for unexpected visits, which happens often to me, especially amongst West Indian and African communities. So it is good practise to make extra food. When people come to my house I never want them to leave hungry or thirsty. Good hospitality goes a long way. :)
This recipe was adapted from 'Morisson's Magazine' (Result Customer Communications, 2012).
1tbsp olive oil, 1 onion (peeled and chopped), 2 garlic cloves, 1 1/2 courgettes (chopped), 2 spring onions (chopped), 2tsp dill, 2tsps marjoram, 2tsps oregano, 2tsps diluted fiery tomato ketchup, 2 x 121g cans of tuna in spring water, 2 x 400g cans chopped tomatoes, 1tbsp tomato puree, 2tbsps green pesto, 40g low fat sunflower spread, 40g plain flour (sifted), 450ml semi skimmed milk, 200g reduced fat soft cheese, 15 lasagne sheets, 50g parmesan cheese (grated).
1. Heat the oil in a large pan then add the onion, garlic and courgettes.
2. Stir for 10 minutes then add the tuna, herbs, chopped tomatoes, puree and pesto.
3. Add the ketchup and spring onions then season again to taste.
4. Leave this to one side.
5. Start pre cooking the lasagne sheets ( I find that pre boiling each individual lasagne sheet helps to keep the pasta soft. I advise you to do this even if the sheet claim you do not need to cook them. There is nothing worse then eating a lasagne where the pasta sheets are still rock hard.)
6. On another hob, melt the spread in a pan and stir in the flour.
7. Cook for 1 minute then gradually add the milk. (This sauce requires much attention, so keep your eye on the prize.)
8. Stir continuously, until you have a smooth, thick and creamy sauce.
9. Beat in the cheese. (Aim for the same consistency, but a little thicker.)
10. Pre heat the oven to 180 degrees C / Gas 4.
11. Spoon half the tuna mixture at the bottom.
12. Layer with lasagne sheets, then sauce, then lasagne sheets, then tuna, then sheets, then sauce.
13. Scatter the parmesan over the top of the last layer.
14. Bake for 35 minutes.
Saffy's Top Tip
If you are not a fan of parmesan or do not fancy cream cheese, try other cheeses such as mozarella, cheddar or even gorganzola.
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